How To Chat With Your Friend On Whatsapp Without Saving Its Contact (2022)
About This Post
Assalam O Alaikum friends once again welcome to my blog and today in this post I will show you how to chat with your friends on WhatsApp without saving its contact on your android phone. I have brought a wonderful and mind-blowing application for all of you in this post. The name of this app is "WhatsQuick". This application helps you to chat with your friends on WhatsApp without saving its contact in your contact list. So friends if you want to know about this app like how it works, how to use it, and how to download this app from this post. So friends read this post from start to end to get all information about this app.
Importance Of This App
Friends these days everyone have an android phone whether it is a poor or rich man and everyone use WhatsApp on our android phone because the android phone has become a part of our life and without it we are nothing and without it, we cannot survive. Now I am going to understand the advantage of this app with an example. For example, you want to chat with your large number of friends on WhatsApp. So friends for this purpose you will need to save your friend numbers in your contact list before creating a chat on WhatsApp. friends, you don't know that the new features of WhatsApp have been launched and this feature is one of them which name is "WhatsQuick" and with the help of this app you can chat with your multiple friends at one time without saving its contact in your phone.
Detail This App On PlayStore
Friends we also know that the play store has become a main source of applications. All types of applications will be available here in safe and secure conditions. This application is absolutely free. So you will not need to pay money for this app. The rating of this app is five-point zero which is the very best rating and this application size is not too large, because the size of this application is small so everyone can use it on their android phone easily. If you don't know how this works so continue reading and understanding this post to know all information about this app.
How It Works
Guys now I am going to explain the features and working process of this application. Basically When we install this application on your android phone so it has automatically connected with WhatsApp and gets all the permissions of Whatsapp. So when someone sends you a message on Whatsapp so this application will running start and show you a bubble in the corner of your WhatsApp and then you can simply click on this bubble to create a chat with your friend without saving its contact number in your phone. For more information continue reading and understanding this post.
How To Use This App
I have a very simple method to use this app on your android phone. Follow the following instructions to use this app.
1- First of all download it from this post and install it on your android phone.
2- Then simply click on this app icon to open it.
3- The allow all its required permissions to continue this process.
4- Click on the "Enable Quick Chat" option to enable it.
5- Then Enjoy
How To Download This App
There is a very simple method to download this app from this post. After reading this post from start to end then simply click on the "Download App" option to download this app.
Guys today's article about Whats Quick is to end and we have discussed everything about this application like how it works, how to use this, and how to download it from this post. I also mentioned the detail of this app on the play store. So I have told you everything and clear all of your concepts. So I hope that this post is very useful for you. friends if you ask any other questions then you can comment here.